
PepUpTheDay User
I love the email as it brightens my day and love the quiz. I occasionally enter the competitions and do wordle every day.
My old cat was cat of the day a couple of years ago, which made me very proud.

PepUpTheDay User
I do the quiz every day. Please carry on doing them - it gives me a few minutes to just stop and rest.

PepUpTheDay User
I just wanted to say I really loved reading about Susan Boyle today, such a challenging and inspiring story, thanks for consistently putting in the effort to make this enjoyable and interesting 😀

PepUpTheDay User
I do enjoy your Pep Up The Day newsletter - I have taken part in some of your photograph competitions - I particularly enjoyed the 9 word stories - a lot gave me a giggle.
Please do continue the great work!

PepUpTheDay User
I always find something of interest. I particularly enjoy the quiz, the quote and sometimes the riddle.

PepUpTheDay User
I love the emails every day. Me and my husband love doing the quiz and have a competition of who get the closest to guessing the age of the celebrity.
You're doing a great job!

PepUpTheDay User
I just wanted to say that I've only recently subscribed to your emails and i'm enjoying receiving the daily updates. There is a nice balance of content and no pressure selling which is fantastic.

PepUpTheDay User
Keep doing what you're doing. It certainly provides us with little wins, big grins and peps up our days.

PepUpTheDay User
I really enjoy your email every day and always read- and then tell- my family the jokes. I have sent in pictures of my pets and grandchildren to photo of the day and look forward to seeing them being used. I also like to see if I have won the money!!!

PepUpTheDay User
I love reading your newsletter every day. I love cat/dog/pet of the day photos as well as the general photo of the day. We really enjoy guessing the age of the famous person's birthday. The competition is great. The notifications for new competitions is great. We both said we would like more general knowledge questions as opposed to filling in the gaps questions. Overall we love this newsletter, it's light and fun and we particularly love goat day on a Friday!

PepUpTheDay User
I think Pepuptheday is a brilliant idea and I highly commend you all for your devotion to producing it so regularly and filling it with interest.
I have passed on your link to friends who are feeling lonely.
Thank you all.

PepUpTheDay User
The PepUpTheDay email has been the first thing I look at each morning since back in April of this year, so I am really pleased to have the chance of supporting the PepUpTheDay team by joining the Peppers Club!

PepUpTheDay User
Why join the Peppers Club?
Just wanted to thank you for giving people the opportunity to feel in contact with others, gain information and have quizzes to engage during such strange times...a real community connecting enterprise... needs to be supported.
There, that's it... good luck and long may it and you continue.

PepUpTheDay User
I’m looking forward especially to tomorrow’s email as it should be my photo of the day!
I initially found your site through doing competitions, but I do look forward to the daily email with all its fun trivia etc.
Please keep up the good work!

PepUpTheDay User
I only subscribed to Pep Up the Day very recently and think it really does as it suggests. It's a super message to receive and packs a lot in, with quizzes, competitions and features. I especially like your flash fiction competition.

PepUpTheDay User
Your cheerful pages always cheer me up as I sit in bed (!) with my morning cuppa and ipad.

PepUpTheDay User
I really like the email as it’s to the point and comes across as really genuine. It’s also not pushy like other email chains can be.

PepUpTheDay User
Thank you for your email. Your replies are always nicely written. I love your page, it is a real comfort during lockdown.

PepUpTheDay User
I really like your suggestions on how to brighten up the day. Very creative. Keep up the good work!

PepUpTheDay User
I really like the concept of Pepuptheday as it is very positive. There is something for everyone.

PepUpTheDay User
You are doing a wonderful job on the PepUpTheDay newsletters every day and they brighten my day wonderfully!!!
Lisette x

PepUpTheDay User
I love the newsletter. It’s got a bit of everything! I don’t always have time to read it all but some great content :)

PepUpTheDay User
I always check out pep up the day plus, in your area news, first thing in the morning. I did lockdown in solitary so positive thinking was top of my list.

PepUpTheDay User
"I always click on PepUpTheDay when I open my emails in the morning. I love looking at all the photos of the day even though I don't have pets. Your links to other websites are interesting and sometimes useful too. Also I like the way you only use our first names when you showcase our photos, stories etc. to protect our identity.
Please keep going. It must be hard to come up with such original content every day!"

PepUpTheDay.com Competition Winner
Many thanks to all at PepUpTheDay.com. for producing an excellent daily email that always puts a smile on my face, engaging the reader with quirky quizzes and questions that picks you up.
If this wasn't enough members have a chance of winning cash just for checking their number in the draw and claiming it on the same day!
I only subscribed a couple of months ago to help alleviate the "Lock Down Lows" so to see my number had won after a particularly tough day was so amazing! All this for free too. I recommend requesting PepUpThe Day.com.... Why wouldn't you want to?
David, Kent.

PepUpTheDay User
I think you conquer a Herculean task getting your email out every day, not an easy thing to do, I am sure.
I really enjoy it and it is one of the first emails I open each day.
I also think your daily quiz is great, so all in all keep up the good work!!

PepUpTheDay User
I do love the photos of the day and visit regularly, always something new and always brings a smile to my face.

PepUpTheDay User
I enjoy Pep up the Day each morning, the quiz, dogs, etc. and I have recommended it to my family and friends. Thank you for your efforts and keep it coming!

PepUpTheDay User
I really enjoy your daily emails. I especially like the quiz. It is good to test the brain regularly. The pictures of all the pets are lovely.
Keep up the good work.

PepUpTheDay User
I do like receiving the emails, gets what little brain I have working of a morning, and they are good, light-hearted fun. Keep them coming!

PepUpTheDay User
I enjoy looking at the email every day.
I often find something interesting to pass on to friends and as a person who remembers useless but interesting stuff, I find lots of items to squirrel away (useful in a quiz!).
I thought I knew a lot about vikings but only got 3 in today's quiz - pride comes before....etc!
It covers many subjects and I always find something to enjoy.

PepUpTheDay User
Just wanted to say I look forward to your email and include some of your quiz questions when we do our family quiz online.

I am really enjoying my daily emails from ' Pep Up The Day ' they really make my day !!
I look forward to entering more of your competitions.

PepUpTheDay User
Thank you for putting together the daily email full of interest, information and fun. I particularly enjoy the quizzes.

PepUpTheDay User
I like the site construction and different daily things like photos of the day. It seems like a fun site the way it is presented. I like entering competitions.

PepUpTheDay.com Competition Winner
"I am over the moon to have won £160 from PepUpTheDay. I check my email every day to read the articles, check out the pooches photos etc and enter the competitions. Of course, to see if my number comes up and it did, yey!! I will still be checking everyday from now on. This is a brilliant website!" Margaret

PepUpTheDay.com Competition Winner
Thank you so much for your lovely call earlier and for this wonderful news! It really, truly has made my day!
The voucher has arrived and I'm so excited about seeking out lots of beautiful new books and then, hopefully, spending many happy hours sitting in the park reading them (at a 2-metre distance from everyone else, of course!)
Winning anything like this must be wonderful at the best of times, but it was a particularly special boost given the current circumstances.
Emily, London - Won a £100 Amazon Card

PepUpTheDay User
I really enjoy the daily email. I read it first thing while feeding the baby and love the quiz and facts... It gets my tired brain going and sets me up for the day! I always look for it first thing :) and the chance to win cash is always exciting!

PepUpTheDay User
I really like your website and the emails I get each day. They really cheer me up. I don’t live in Gloucestershire, but I’ve entered nearly all your competitions, so I hope that’s OK!
I also like the riddles.
Keep up the good work!

PepUpTheDay User
I love it all! Thank you so much for your daily emails of cheer. Great quizzes & competitions. I particularly like the dog & cat of the day.

PepUpTheDay User
I enjoy reading your email – usually early in the day – a fun and interesting start to the day in these dark times.
I was just thinking this morning what a boost it gave me personally – then saw your request for feedback. Well done team – great work! Nigel

PepUpTheDay User
It’s a great easy to read email when you are half asleep. It comes out at a good time to read before work.

PepUpTheDay User
The articles are interesting and inclusive of everybody.
At first, I thought...yes let's try and win some money...but now I look forward to the email and the money is secondary.
Well done for all your hard work. Thank you. Carol

PepUpTheDay User
I love the mix on your email - competitions, articles, news etc. I wish you every success.

PepUpTheDay User
I really like your pepuptheday news and competitions. Love it! Very uplifting at this time. Keep going!

PepUpTheDay User
Just wanted to say love the ginger beer recipe. It is nice to read email and escape events.
Keep safe. Joanne

PepUpTheDay User
Projects like this really lift our spirits just when we really need it.
Very best wishes. Helen