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WINNER ANNOUNCED - All the hundreds of Nine Word Story Competition Entries
Hand luggage only
I travel light. The dog’s mine. The £25,000 isn’t.
Blossoming Romance
C h e r r y b l o s s o m s c a t t e r e d - like confetti, spreading L O V E, around everywhere.
A butterfly flaps; in Japan a tsunami is gathering
The Proposal
"Will you marry me"? He asked the smiling vicar.
"Star Wars" by Graham
A long time ago, a galaxy far away, war.
‘The Silent Vow':
'I’ve joined a monastery and taken a vow of…'
Modern Love Story
Girl sees boy.
Boy sees girl.
Girl swipes left.
Mystery has almost been solved...who ate the rolo?
The Clever Clairvoyant
She did not see it coming. He got everything.
Dead women do tell tales
The cops knocked. He wasn’t getting away that easily.
Blind Date.
“I’m George.”
“Sorry can’t stay. My mother-in-law is here.”
'Beware the Dagger.'
“Is this a dagger which I see before... aaaggghhh.”
Job Vacancies. Archived.
2000, World Caretaker.
2030, Post removed.
She drove the knife in, beginning to cry. Onions!
Her laughter was infectious. Like him, it turned out.
A white rabbit with pocket watch is not normal.
'The Writer'.
I am an author and an alliterator; ask anyone.
She loathed porridge. Donned a red cloak , changed stories.
Dad at fashion show - a beetroot among the peaches.
Rings by Charlotte
‘Unworn his and hers wedding rings for sale, call…..’
Their bullets weren't silver. I howled, snarled - and sprang!
The monster was in her. Tasted good with mustard.
The anaesthetist smirked as I felt the surgeon's incision.
The end of Christmas
Central heating finally triggered Santa’s chimney slide into obscurity.
“For Better or Worse”
“Speak Now, or Forever…. Minister queried;
Ex-wife spoke!
Camping with adventure
Their first camping holiday was full on. Well, intense.
30 Years Married
He never compromised. She learned to outsmart him.
Healthy Eating
Sugar and Fat Screams Super Market. Vitamins Screams Body.
It all ended in tears when he finally left
It all ended in tears when he finally left (entered twice)
Happiness, seven days without it makes one weak (8 words?)
Open Door
I opened the door to the hellpit, fell forever.
Nine Words
Trees bowing swaying, to the wind such a sight.
Torrential downpours reduce everything, everyone, to the same level.
The Dreamer
She was a dreamer - living thousands of lifetimes asleep.
The Clever Clairvoyant
She did not see it coming. He got everything.
Im so smart, I write nine words and win!!!
A plant may grow for years, I grow overnight.
Why are my best friends also my worst enemies?
Do I win by earning or earn by winning?
She looked both ways but not around the corner.
Worst start to the day,then I met her
Worst start to the day,then I met her
I closed my eyes and i was at peace
Thought of the day
On a wet, windy day, smile and say hello.
Sandy Days
The sandcastle stood with flags, till kick from boot.
A church spire behind, we walked towards our future.
Wake up call came but her alarm was off!
She was so un-woke to be almost comatose!
Far from sweet old lady more battle-scarred virago!
The sea dragged away the sandcastle containing Billies ashes
“Suffer the Little Children”
Paedophile pounced,
Dwarf turned, smirked,
And knife sliced through!
“Ticket to Ride”
Airport Arrivals; Chaueffeurs; Signs;
“David Lyons?”-
“Yes” said Andrew
“For Better or Worse”
“Speak Now, or Forever…. Minister queried;
Ex-wife spoke!
A Journey To Remember
Bedraggled but exhilarated their battle through the storm completed.
It all ended that day. We never looked back.
The Forgotten Key
Peeping through his letterbox, he saw his door key.
It all ended in tears when he finally left
Family Planning
She dreamed of having ten children. No one understood.
His final words to her were 'please forgive me'.
Better late than never
His final words to her were 'please forgive me'.
New beginnings
Foreign country, job lined up, hopeful for the future.
The other end of the line
Her life changed when she phoned the wrong number.
The Great Escape
Ridding themselves of their phones, they boarded the train.
Struggling with self-esteem
He thought he was worthless. She prayed for him.
Busy, busy again, getting bored, going crazy, COVID argh!
Parts of me returned home; others stayed at war.
Winter was merciless, so Mary ate her little lamb.
Kiss carefully; the sweetest tongue has the sharpest teeth.
"Everything belongs to you now" -signed his last words.
Victory. I got back up. I tried. I failed.
"Total destruction is inevitable" - time traveller from the future.
The sun rose; she didn't open her eyes today.
If people were homes, I've only lived in ruins.
I am hiding, but no one is seeking anymore.
Humpty Dumpty changed his mind just moments before jumping.
Smile if there are black clouds, think happy days.
The door slammed shut and then it suddenly stopped.
‘The final apocalypse’
The sun set over England. For the last time.
Live for you!!
Monday felt like dying, Tuesday I began to live!
He couldn’t see his mistress!! Thank Laxatives for that!!
Death: the end of once in a lifetime experience.
Wedding blues
He was old. Love was borrowed. She wanted new.
I’m Asleep
I’m asleep she voiced – my eyelids are still closed!!
She hadn't been there but really needed to go.
A mothers story
Memories of her first smile fills me with joy.
Great Expectations
She wrote a nine word story, and she won.
Title: Remember, remember
Story: Barrels, matches, patience. Patience and a three, two, one..
Title: Mother's Day
Story: A head, screaming, smiling - one hello before her goodbye.
Title: Valentine's Day
Story: She broke his heart. Another shot, another job complete.
If turning back time was an option. Would you?
She lay there with them both, content at last.
His world came crashing down like a thunder storm.
The water reflected her sorrowful eyes she's all alone.
The Show must go on
It was an epic show, she mesmerized the crowd.
The tragic fall
She danced she fell, but was it an accident?
What would you buy?
An unexpected giftcard arrived with one redemption in heaven.
Wish fulfilment
For his deepest wish, fulfilment centres weren't an option.
What was that?
I'll finish just as soon as I've investigated this..
Britney baby
Bored of witches and princes, Rapunzel shaved her head.
Privilege, as I watch the sun set each evening
The bluebird sang. Morning came. Life went on.
Rain for ninety days. Climate change wins again. Help!
The eggs hatch. Adventure begins. Watch out mummy duck!
The car breaks down. Rescue comes. Bright horizon ahead.
I wandered through life's meadow happy and blissfully naive
Sun hid behind an angry cloud and Sky cried
Listen carefully and you can hear my heart singing.
In times of desperation the world unites and overcomes
Living the dream.
She closed her eyes, her dream was now reality.
The British Summer
I took my family to the beach. It rained.
She had writer's block staring at the blank page.
Chicken's Day Out
Chicken crossed the road ate lunch and went home!
We think life ends
We think life ends. But this a green door.
She closed her eyes. We could never meet again.
Scene, characters, plot.
Daily Bread
Daily bread? Does seven days without makes one weak?
She fell in love. He just loved her money.
Weather Map
At last, clear sky
a change from ,
Death wasn’t entirely what she expected. It was better.
"Under a stone dated thirteenth a love letter lingered".
Natures Way
Tiny Bird clinging to Confire tree,cool wind blowing.
The story of love and loss
She saw, she loved, she lost ,she was lost
Play Time
Bouncy Castle, joy little princes and princess having fun.
The Dinasours
The children went out to play with the dinasours
The end of Christmas by Mark Boyd
Central heating finally triggered Santa’s chimney slide into obscurity.
The fastest animal alive by Mark Boyd
“Look, Ma. No wings!” Screamed the hurtling peregrine flea.
Double trouble by Mark Boyd
Flat tyre. Then rusted wheel nuts punctured his ego.
The lure of meat by Mark Boyd
“But I only eat carnivores,” claimed the wannabe vegetarian.
Canine perspective by Mark Boyd
“The pandemic’s been a tough seven years”, said Dog.
It’s all relative by Mark Boyd
A slow worker’s knitting unravelled faster than global warming.
Title: The title is far longer than the story
and is about a beautiful princess with a ten-word surname who marries
a prince with a twenty-word surname but then receives a nasty spell
from an evil old long-black-haired witch with a tricky eight-word
tongue-twister full name as she lives in a forest-with-a-lake castle
with a one-word name that has more letters than the combined length
of the six shortest words in her surname
"Once upon a time a princess marries then
Destruction and chaos surrounded her until she woke up.
No Masks
Chatter of happy voices cafes, pubs, ringing of tills.
New days are coming.
Labour began, birth followed. Dreams were fullfilled.
China! What's China anyway? Just a piece of clay.
China! What's China anyway? It's just a piece of clay. (10 words)
Roundabout, candy floss, open air cafe happy children playing.
Luminous green beams - shone from the branches. My girl !
Moonlight cast shadows around the room. Movement yet silence.
Driven to distraction higher forces saved her from destruction
Motivation to keep going:
She always knew she could, so she did. (8 words?}
After the Agony
Pain! "Never again!" Then the beautiful baby was born...
Summer of fun. Autumn on a ventilator. The End.
Days were nightmares but nights the stuff of dreams
Their days were numbered but who was counting anyway
Thinking back impelled her to move forward more confidently
His devoted slave - unreciprocated - he slinks down the alley
2020 Pandemic- we will remember that the world stopped
"The competition"
Lucy entered a competition and wow she won it!
"Rescue dog"
Jessie lived on the streets now happiest dog ever
The anaesthetist smirked as I felt the surgeon's incision.
Covid took over the world. The world stood still.
She wondered if all she had heard was true?
Childhood dreams
The ballerina danced, smiled and span. The lid closed.
Cat On A Mission
Watching, waiting upon, roof top
For birdies flying by
No one:
She looked in the mirror nothing was
looking back
It watched …it waited ..it would be back
I walked ,missing by one minute you and happiness.
Going for gold
The favourite, a false start, it’s all over
3021, extreme weather, pollution, disease. If only we’d listened.
Turn and run... or you'll end up like THEM.
Passing thoughts sometimes move in for good or bad!
Better late than never to eradicate hate forever
Family Gathering
Black bird family, who can find a juicy worm?
Life guaranteed
Avoiding tax was easy, but death he was uncertain.
Looking through window
Wet dreary day
Not like Summer.
Her life's pushed back but she won't stop moving.
Complex Human Nature.
Me: Some people speak contrary to what they believe?
'A Novel Idea'.
When writing a story, always leave then wanting more…
Cat's Last Chance
The cat jumped to safety: eighth of nine lives.
I said I was leaving - but did not go.
I finished icing the cake, but then dropped it.
Lady Luck
I won at cards - but then lost my wallet!
I cried the day I ripped my best dress.
I ran for the bus but it pulled away.
A family tradition, sixth birthday and only five teddies
Oh, the joy of freedom, roundabout rides candy floss.
unrequited love
I love you, he said. I don't, she replied.
Her indoors.
She drank Champagne; while rain descended down her windows.
The monster was in her. Tasted good with mustard.
Mournful Daisies
Cool wind blows upon scattered daisies. Oh, for sunshine.
Picture Post Card
Happy golden days, together at the beach, talking, drinking.
Our First Home
Truck loaded, excitement, moving home, forgotten new house keys!
Heart Felt Thoughts
You are my life?
The joy of loving,
Doctor's note
He is unfit for work through slogging to retire
As long as it creates interest any job's capital.
Local celebrity
Star of the village draws audience but forgets curtains
Dad at fashion show- a beetroot among the peaches.
Curious & Careful Cat 🐈
Coco hides behind the fridge as a stranger came!
The Golden Cake 🍰
She baked a glorious cake sprinkled with gold dusts!
He said, I love you, touching her tiny hand.
Holistic Therapy
The Owl and Pussycat were right. Launch the boat .
White Cabbage Butterflies
Pretty white butterflies with delicate wings, fluttering amid greenery.
Marriage made me what I am today… Happily Divorced
The Relationship Conductor
She survived lightning, became a matchmaker, then burnt out.
The Gift
Knitting needles clicked, wool twirled, a personal gift emerged.
Taste Buds
Cherry ripe ready to eat, why so bitter taste?
Typing "antidisestablishmentarianism" at crossings meant "reaching the other side"!
The grammar nerd
She comforted her grammar nerd friend. 'they're there their'
Their bullets weren't silver. I howled, snarled - and sprang!
A New Adventure
You said you wanted change. Well, darling - I'm pregnant!
The Taste of Life
I asked for chocolate, not vanilla. Prepare to die.
The monsters were dead. "Again! Again!" grinned my toddler.
Stillness of life
Love of beauty,
Together make one.
She was sad. He was sad. Sadness engulfed them
Cinderella story
Cinderella lost her glass slipper and married a Prince.
Beauty and the Beast story
Beast locked Beauty away and turned into a Prince.
Aladdin story
Aladdin stole a lamp and lied to marry Princess.
Believing you can become successful helps you achieve success!
Be kind
Your words can have a big effect on others.
Out of the box thinking
Obstacles provide us an opportunity to improve our circumstances.
Keep Sake
Love, cherish, protect what belongs to you? Never forget.
Get up, eat, walk, shop , relax, sleep. Start again.
Woke up in paradise. Sunshine and sand, if only.
Happy Days
Smilie faces, no masks worn?Oh, for happy shopping.
The Misfit
She liked the gym but was eccentric. Miss Fit
Finally she got revenge on her indian friend. Korma.
Making dough
Harvest full throttle - there is bread to be made.
Spinning around
Life can be, like a roundabout till it stops.
'The Spy'.
Your orders are top secret, here they are: rmsppx/xzpu/xx/7.
'The Writer'.
I am an author and an alliterator; ask anyone.
'The Story of the Wild West'.
The cowboy rode off into the sunset. The end.
re Pep weather forecast July Wednesday 21
Delete delete delete delete
and ,
pleeeeese, let it rain!
Try Harder?
Never ever stop?
I've been trying,
All my life.
Life menu
fish fingers
Prosecco, candles
family dinners
Alternative life menu
fish fingers
Prosecco, candles
family dinners
"It Wasn't Me"
And there was the evidence for all to see.
Hope springs eternal. Until Hope’s spring went and broke
Birds twittering in the garden, cat on the prowl.
Tripped! Smashed my favourite mug, crushed my biscuit, devastated!
Lost Keys
Come out, where ever you are? To mommy please.
Pup, my faithful friend, there for me unconditionally, always
Beginning Again
Beyond the window lies a new world just waiting
I woke up grumpy and he was very cross
From my Window
Happy to view
Emerald green trees
Pretty blue skies.
Camping with adventure
Their first camping holiday was full on. Well, intense.
Night in a Hotel in France
Someone's approaching,
my door opens,
'I'm in here!
Early Morning Walk(Park)
Small dog rolling paws in the air, dewy grass.
Look at his feet! He won't stay small forever!
That bath spider’s struggling to escape; and you’re screaming ...?
The Letter
Return to Sender - she knew it was over now.
She loathed porridge. Donned a red cloak , changed stories.
She slept, while high winds, rattled her window pane.
Sunshine out. Time to make hay and don't delay.
A smile, wink,clasping of hands makes better days.
'Time and Time Again'.
Finished fourth, finished second, but first would've been better.
Leaving Home
He shouldered his rucksack, glanced back briefly and left
Unavailable by phone
Jug fell out cupboard ,smashed phone, jug is fine.
'Time for Golf?'
When playing golf, you have to stop for tee.
Sunday Blues
Friday came around. She blinked. It was Monday again.
Loud screaming woke her then found it was her.
EUROS 2020
An Orphan once all alone , has own family finally
Her story
She was born, she lived, she died, the end.
The rollercoaster of life thrilled her til she fell
Her story
She was born, she lived, she died, the end.
The Match
Although the cup didn't come home, England still won
God's child
His strong arms held her safely through life's storms.
Family- my laughter, my joy, my peace, my everything.
Love's bounds
Before the beginning of time I loved you eternally
Perfect Partner
Loving arms, tender kisses, Faithfull and loyal, perfect fiction
It started with loss then heartache then death's allure
Life's Chains
The fragile chains of life are built to break
Life's illusion
Life in all its forms is but a dream
I gazed into his eyes and was lost forever
If words can mean so much,I love you?
Her heart ripped with emotions as the coffin disappeared
The rollercoaster of life thrilled her til she fell
Shine A Light
Light shines through all that is good, in life.
It’s coming home, it’s coming home, football’s coming home!
Tiny Bear
Found a hair, probably came from a tiny bear
Euro final causes power surge and Sterling to rise.
Weary travelers stand and stare,as magic goal delivered.
He was Cross? Not allowed? He made a stew.
Writing notes daily gives the brain, food for thought.
A day of surprizes, makes the heart feel good.
Wind, rain, sun,light, love, mystery down to mystic power.
She felt it give. Down she fell. Into darkness.
Her laughter was infectious. Like him, it turned out.
Everyone leaves eventually.
I just beat them to it.
Crying over spilled milk, she realised she needed help.
At eleven the guns fell silent. Like the dead.
My story has a start, middle and an end
Who am I?
In the gloom my mirror sees a stranger's gaze
Traumatised but will survive, stand proud and live again
Mom, my protector, my world, my life, my everything
Winters Beginning
Crispy crackling morning grass welcomed each new frosted day
Through blurry eyes she watched her love leave her
Difficult Day
Today's too hard?, don't worry, rest, begin again tomorrow
Garden Fun
Birds teased cat flying low, Sun smiled at trees.
Think pleasant thoughts smile, thoughts of
tomorrow can wait.
Her world imploded forever the day her mom died
Covid-19 kept us entombed but freedom blossoms very soon
If wishes were kisses life would be pretty interesting
Once upon a time lived a happily ever after
Space invaders
They came to Earth, looked, and quickly left again.
The battle of the bulge started with a diet
First Date
Shy smiles, nervous laughter, it was fate unwinding itself.
the grey clouds loomed in as she cried buckets..
Rosy Thoughts
Where the red roses grow, I will be there.
Bistro(Why no Custamers)
Don't use, toilet, buy a drink, Menu wall outside
Sometimes time slips away and then we’re all dead.
A white rabbit with pocket watch is not normal.
Storm Cast
Oh dear, seagulls flying in land more stormy weather.
'Hats off to Tourists'.
Tourists in London go to see the Guards' bareskin (sic).
Nine months later my heart and life were complete.
Roxanne, Remember bee stings amongst the fields of barley.
Too bad. Too late. Too tired. Sleep beckons. (8 w0rds?)
Wind Swept
The wind kisses the friendly stars, while everyone sleeps.
Nature gifted us liquid magic to cleanse our existence.
I search for light in people full of darkness.’
‘Bittersweet sadness’
‘The melancholy was bittersweet, comforting but in a sad way.’
‘Universe’s away’
‘She loved him, but he was from another universe’.
Sunlight At Last
Rays from the sun to make our life happier.
Summer of Life
"I kept quiet when tree crickets started to sing."
Love Her All
"He kisses and ravishes her all over with pleasure."
Cheesy Waffle
Drippling with butter, a pleasure to taste
pounds on.
Roosting upon the fence,
Not afraid of cool wind.
Wilting Rose
Hoping for brighter days to make those petals shine.
Thats Life
Brocken china can be replaced, not her heart his gone.
Dating game
Percy pigeon looking for a mate,
flutter of wings.
Lemon and lime, all things nice grace the finger buffet
Mysterious Meeting
“As the door opened, her world suddenly changed forever”
Five am, Roselee smiled, a star is born today.
Wind Whisper
Whispering wind to the trees, "where is sun light?"
False Confidence
"He was engulfed by the fire in his belly"
No Sunshine
Pale blue sky,
A cool breeze,
Rustles the trees.
Once upon a time there was a happy ending
‘The Cliff’
Don’t jump! Please don’t! She turned, smiled - and jumped
Thank You
To Glastonbury keeping our spirits up, marvelous display talent.
Hand luggage only
I travel light. The dog’s mine. The £25,000 isn’t.
My black cat crosses my path umpteen times daily ...
Remember when ...
BC, before covid, air was free.
After, we paid.
Four, eleven, yes, sixteen, twenty-eight, yes! forty-two, forty-eight, YESSSSS!!!!!!
'Nothing To Sneeze At'.
After Covid there will be lots of masked gatherings.
'The Floods'.
The floods came. I was washed away… glug… glug.
'Climate Change'.
The world was here yesterday, but what about tomorrow?
'The Dark Night'.
The night is dark, but I can’t see why.
'The River'.
The river flows. The river runs deep. It's wet!
Shadows looming,over the farm
Glastonbury joy and music.
Found Out
Sticky fingermarks everywhere. Somebody discovered my secret chocolate stash!
Thoughtful thoughts, imagination , patience, exploration,
Smile your a writer.
Starting Over.
Muted colours of early dawn
Sweet chirping of birds.
The battle of the fairies and gnomes
The gnomes finally accepted the fairies in the garden.
“The Shy Winner”
She gained strength from her friends and came first.
Peaceful day by river barges passing by, murcky waters.
Build bridges not dams to promote a peaceful world
Zinggy Lemon
For cakes,cocktails, glasses of water
No bitter taste.
Family is everything to me especially during difficult times
Euro 2021 Football
Euro Vision at a glance. A strike. Lets Dance
A tale of 2021
Oh no, Teacher has COVID; that means homeschooling again!
On a bright summer’s day sadness has no place
The hanndwriting was beautiful, but his words were poison
Breakfast Horror
Toast burn't, eggs stuck to pan,
Trying to hard.
The night’s getting dark. Can't see to write. End.
'A Matter of National Security'.
The spy’s clandestine mission was top secret. The end.
“I’ve been there. Done that. I wish I hadn’t.”
'The Dead Cowboy'.
Alone in Boothill. Others nearby. More still to come.
Pie and Cream
Fruity pie smiles at the fountain
Of whipped cream.
Weather Forcast
No salad and ice cream days,
Thounder clouds appear.
Oil and Water
Oil doesn't mix with
So, we drift apart.
Summer sunshine, lovely, relax, enjoy, too much, burnt, ouch!
Dreaming, lottery win, spending, awake reality, virus, furloughed, broke!
Baby Bird
Separated from mom,
Moving slowly, trying hard
to survive.
Robin Red Breast
Sitting on garden fence, thinking of warmer days, greenary.
Roosting upon the fence,
Not afraid of cool wind.
‘The Change’
She arrived -
She transformed -
He adjusted -
Life was good!
A Dogs Life
Drinks carried from pub
Dog barking, pub being robbed?
Sitting outdoors, food, wine, thoughts of football
Far away.
Dream On
A breeze blowing
Soft sandy beachs,
Azure sky,sun.
Showing love and kindness
To others, reaps its reward.
Climate action
Ocean deep, mountain high, look after it or die
Hide and Seek
Sunshine peeping through trees
Start of a perfect day.
Gremlin Jones regretted taking the last piglet from her.
Dying, they became zombies. He lived, but died inside
She gave him the key. He wound her up
Twitter of bird song, brings joy
To the ears
A winters day
On a crisp winters day, two best friends married
Happy smiley faces light up the room,
Happy Birthday
Standing alone, beautiful pink rose
Touched by the sun.
Goat Cart
Go cart,
Fast and free,
Goatee, go, go, go
Azure Sky
Pims on beach
Think bikini, away
In the Bahamas.
Thought of the day
On a wet, windy day, smile and say hello.
Make life beautful
On a dull, cold day
Smile,say hello. (11 words?)
The Decider
Without hesitation, the choice she had feared, became reality.
I miss the quiet, somehow it was never lonely.
Not a Fan
Football blues, switch off
Strawberries with cream, yes please
Flying lesson
Birdie group of four
Flying, over
Daisy, buttercup carpet.
My hair is falling out,why is this happening?
The baby looked perfect
but was sadly born sleeping
Loves Theme
Roses in bloom
Bringing loving thoughts,
Memories, times together.
Her eyes, which last he saw in tears, beckoned.
Last of the living
His heart stopped, hers continued, the only one left.
"You're nothing".
"I am enough."
And she left him.
End of the war
There was no enemy. Just scared boys like them.
I was a cat first. Then mouse. That helps
Worf, Worf, Worf.
He does'nt like shopping?
Enjoys eclair.
Job Vacancies. Archived.
2000, World Caretaker.
2030, Post removed.
Now we are all snails, life is much improved.
Fields of gold, what a sight?
This sunny day.
I lived, I then died, then found my peace. 💕
'A Rainy Day'.
It rained. The floods came. I was washed away.
'The Knight and the Maiden'.
The knight was chivalrous, the maiden virtuous. Nothing happened.
'The Knight and the Maid'.
Knight nor maid were virtuous. He stayed all night.
Sun’s shining, sky so blue, flowers blooming, I’m happy.
Her eyes shone, gleaming windows to her soul. Dark.
I committed the crime, you are doing the time.
Happy Ever After
Finding new beings they found their happily ever after
Roaming wild and free
Amid green grass,
So cute.
Loves Dream
Waking up birds twittering,
blue sky a perfect day.
Daisy chains unlocked beautiful childhood memories of the past.
‘Burning Bright?'.
The comet burns bright and then it burns out.
'Lost Love'
“My hand shakes… my heart breaks. So long, honey.”
‘Heavens Above'.
“Take me to the heavens, baby… gggasp… can’t… breathe.”
“You wouldn’t dare cut my tongue out would yughh…”
Sun Tan
Loving the sun
Not burn't red,
Skin rash after.
The Clock
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick… Silence! The clock’s stopped.
'Beware the Dagger.'
“Is this a dagger which I see before... aaaggghhh.”
Green Glow
Diffrent shades of green
Light up,
My garden retreat
Blissful Summer Wedding
"The bride throws her bouquet up with joyous laughter."
" Storytime "
' Tell me a story ', they said. So I did !!
Rainbow, coloured biscuits
Ready for,
Jodie May to eat.
1500 Tequendama Falls, Colombia, South America
They jumped off the falls and transformed into eagles!
The dead are relentless
Her dreams are forever haunted. Angry ghosts don’t rest.
The poor mouse never had a damn chance
His paws scramble on the floor. Pounce! Grab! Chomp!
Sylvia, we know the truth
Ted, you must have been there. You’re the reason.
Dead women do tell tales
The cops knocked. He wasn’t getting away that easily.
Dandelion clocks and the midnight sun
The winds took them sparkling and ready to multiply!
Graveyard in the snow at 5:00 AM
Long fingers claw the stone;
She always dances alone.
Final words before blowing off the cliff in the Grand Canyon
“Don’t tell me what to do. I’ll be careful...”
Garden Magic
A sunny day
Birds twitter,
Beautiful plants
To adore.
Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide
She died while Bowie played the world to sleep.
On St Valentine’s Day 7 years ago, I got Married
A Bitter Retort
Sounds of a lemon
Being squeezed,
To its death.
She drove the knife in, beginning to cry. Onions!
Most beautiful skin is one you feel comfortable in
Sun Spot
Sand beneath my feet
Sky so blue,
Beach's shimmer.
The shutter closed, she had captured the elusive wolf.
‘Meditate, show gratitude, for a magical day lies ahead’
There’s a story in everyone - just speak your truth
Fallen woman: picked herself up and rose to brilliance
Dull dreary day
Not a cloud,
Birds do twitter.
Sky Line
An artists dream
Fluffy white clouds,
Clear blue sky
I had my covid vaccines, and have a future
“If you prick us, do we not bleed?”
Future Zero
1st January, 2089. Global population: 67. We never listened.
If only trees could talk
What would they say?
'The Winter of Discontent.'
“Now is the winter of our discontent... it’s freezing."
Rambling Rose
Roaming over land
Wild and free,
Like the wind.
Red Delight
After rain
Sun appears,
Breeze blows
Leaves, red Sycamore
A Good Start To The Day 🤪
A nice rub down
With bright yellow
Bath towel.
Lockdown. Seek Nature and Get Relief. All Hot Air
Lost and Found
Dog pawed at the snow. Puppy was found.
“Bombs fall. People die. I turn away wondering why.”
“Money can’t buy everything. How much? I’m your man!”
“Join my crusade against apathy… oh, what’s the use.”
‘The End’:
“Press the button. Press the bloody button!” The end.
Words on paper
Ready to read,
Deep breath, calm.
Running down from ancient hills, the stream was alive
The Rain
Feeling down with the rain? Meditate to running water.
Turtle Soup
Nice with bread,
Freedom for all species.
Without knowing it she planted the seeds of rebellion.
Recipe for Life
One pan, one planet, now he cooks to survive.
Water whirled, she lay face down in the river.
Flushed Out
His neck turned crimson, his final dark act revealed.
Comparison is the thief of joy - just love yourself
Dog Days
Muffet smiled barring
Her teeth,
Doggie Day Centre
"Awake" - Opening her eyes she saw the world truly changing.
"Too short" - Grab life human because it will flash by unexpectedly.
"Playful"- laughter joy and smiling the recipe for life's playground.
Cloud Cast
May cloudy
Cool over cast,
Look forward to
Sun, rippling sea
Only a dream,
Away for now.
A Coffee
Sigh, Nice
To be warm indoors today.
Blind Date.
“I’m George.”
“Sorry can’t stay. My mother-in-law is here.”
It's really the end of the world, she said
I've never liked you
Hs hands grasped the ledge. She stamped her foot.
Noah’s Dilemma
“But there is three of us?” squeaked Mummy mouse.
"Will I need an umbrella?" he asked Noah.
Lockdown woes
Nice day
Still wearing face masks
No change?
Thats Life
Meeting a friend
At Bantock Park,
Talking, no rain.
Dawn Delight
Birds singing
Delicate sweetness
Forever uplifting,
White Berries
Pretty white berries
With green leaves,
Ready for picking.
Creepy Crawley
Crawling along the wall
Dropping into,
The burning fire.
Happy faces
Ready for the beach,
Where's the sun?
She wanted curry, he ordered pizza, carpet's now bloody.
Curious Coco the Cat 🐈
The cat bolted to the door like a racehorse!
‘The Nine Word Story’:
“Can I write a nine word short story? Neun!"
Driving through puddles,
Close to kerb,
Splashing walking police
She drove through
Puddles, never noticing the
Police woman.
I travel light. The dog’s mine. The £25,000 isn’t.
Sparrow Patrol
Hoping along, garden
looking for the odd,
Juicy worm.
The crack of dawn arrived with a sonic boom.
The Red Kite hunted but only plastic moved below.
Care home was arranged and her lifelong friend forgotten.
Short story
Transfixed on her beautiful eyes he said “I do”.
Reading phone texts,
Together we are a pair.
She cried as the cake fell on her head
A glass half full, nothing could keep her down
She awoke from her sleep drenched in sweat again
Pack it in Kelly, stop crying over an octopus
The human cut down my house, said the mouse
The sounds haunted her day and night forever more
She thought how different her life could have been
She vowed never to mention it again to anyone
I am going to teach them both a lesson..
Nine million pound won and lost in nine seconds
He was coming toward her, fear took over her
Desparate for the toilet, but did he make it...
Drunk and legless, he couldn't remember what had happened
As the champage popped, their lives fell apart forever
She glanced out the window, did they see her?
Mystery has almost been solved...who ate the rolo?
The puppy she adored but the husband she ignored
The sisters explored the beach and found something unexpected
She lay trapped under the bin waiting for help
No such thing as a mystery, or is there?
Eggs, bacon, milk, bread, sausages, champagne, engagement ring, cyanide
The End is nigh
The world is in tatters, just because money matters!
Mushroom cloud.....acid rain......pain......earth enveloped in permanent peace. (10 words?)
She never thought she could. Numerous attempts. Eventually success !
Alexander Graham Bell's Phone
A needle vibrating in water now tracks our existence.
‘Writing a Story?’:
' When you’re writing a story, leave them wanting more…'
‘The Silent Vow':
'I’ve joined a monastery and taken a vow of…'
‘Flash Fiction’:
'Tell a story with nine words? Easy, ‘Nine Words’!'
May17th 2021
Trains, boats and planes
Eager to,
Welcome passengers aboard
Whistle stop train's
Choices were to go
Oh, the fun.
Weather Map
Chilled air
Casting gray shadows,
Time to head indoors.
by Jay Delfin
Two souls but one wretched heart. Together yet apart.
The Hungry Cat 🐈
Coco cautiously put her paw in the honey jar.
Blissful Romance
She said yes! We're planning our honeymoon with excitement!
Sexy Chi
"Her scent like roses captivates me. I held her
Sunshine came, hope came - upliftment. A new day dawned.
At last...FREEDOM, we can hug and smile freely
Sunshine reflects
On the trees,
Oh, no rain
Modern Love Story
Girl sees boy.
Boy sees girl.
Girl swipes left.
Hair Diaster
Why no colour?
Added conditioner
Instead of mixed colour.
Me Time
Gathering thoughts, ideas
To write.
Patience a quite place
Fair sailing.
She cried. The sun rose. He died that morning
Green fuel
She warmed her hands as the Eco-tips book burned
Alfie(Jack Russel Terrier.)
Always on the go
Chasing squirrels
My friend Alfie.
A life
Tears. Birth. Joy
Tears together happiness
Tears gone. Despair
The Conundrum
Humpty fell off the wall; or, was he pushed?
Once upon a time, life began - and continues still.
Happy thoughts
Be friendly, caring, kind.
Love will follow.
The Reckoning
Apple and cinnamon, two ingredients that spark the mouth.
The Reckoning
Apple and cinnamon, two ingredients that spark the mouth. (entered twice)
Best seller
Married without thinking, children without planning, chaos ensuing. Follow?
Spilt Milk
His big sad brown eyes begged forgiveness. Apology accepted
Muted Flowers
Thinking of sunny
Looking so sad,
Wind blowing
Tissue paper
So delicate,
With orange
So sweet, inside
Paper so fine
Words of love,
Just for you.
Escaped. Hiding in the theatre cloakroom. He’s behind her.
The colours erupted into the sky. Then she ran.
The Hermit.
'I’m going to be a hermit. Goodbye, cruel world.'
Blossoming Romance
C h e r r y b l o s s o m s c a t t e r e d - like confetti, spreading L O V E, around everywhere.
Lucy looks at the cakes
She tosses a coin
Mental Health
Mental Health. Mental Wealth. Mental Self. Self. Wealth. Health
Buying a pram?
'When buying a pram, push for a great deal.'
Rat running by
No, grey squirrel,
Must polish specks
Down rabbit hole.
Grinning cats.
Third gin and tonic.
She stole bread.
Cameras watched
the vixen’s take away.
It rained.
It rained .
The boat generation sailed on.
The canary sensed gas.
Sang warning.
The air exploded.
One small step.
One giant step.
What’s the difference?
No forwarding address.
I am me
He is two
Baby makes three
The bird chirps
The till clatters,
More customers appear.
May Queen
Dressed in white
Carnations adorn,
Her hair.
Dancers jig
May Day
Decked in ribbons
Maypole twirls,
Crowds gather.
To cheer.
Starving rabbit tiptoes towards grinning fox carrying fresh carrots
No Sausages
Pip the Jack Russell
Looks at the empty
PAIN - Baby, toddler in tow... caffeine... nooooo Lego!!! My toe!!!
SLIPPY TRIP - Banana skins aren’t really slippy, it’s a joke... whooooaaaaa!!!!!!
NO SPOILERS - Big adventure, buckets, spades, picnic. Happy faces! Ahhh rain!!!!!!!!!
BIGGEST FEAR - Dentist trip, drill slipped...! BLOOD... never liked the dentist!
HUSBAND’S BEST SHIRT - Ironing, cooker timer alarms.. 10 seconds... hole in shirt.
Lockdown to an end. Life to be your friend
She shivered as his brutal heart finally stopped beating
If your gonna say negative.say nothing at all
Everything, Everyoday, May Be Negative. Stay Positive, Have Faith.
BOOM BANG BANG BANG. Drums; the perfect toddler gift.
There's nothing I want more than what I had
Let your actions be the truth of your words.
Finally, a time to smile
“ At age 50, he wanted happiness.... He got divorced !! ”
Be Happy with yourself no matter who you are !
Alien Invasion
The little green man turned out to be gigantic.
It's a raid by Heather Haigh:
Bandits in masks at the food bank. Nicking pasta
Your Adorable , he said looking in the Mirror
Magic happened, in the garden, because of green fingers.
A Nine Word Story? by David
'Write a story in nine words? That’s well-nigh impossible!'
Loving Times by Miss C
I love You
Said he,
Thinking about his mistress.
Rory by Sheena
She thought he was a pussycat. Then he growled.
WORM by Andrea
Coiled in an armchair, nose lost in a book.
Millie by Alison
Millie was skipping for joy joining the pep competition!
The kiss by Fi
He kissed her cheek, the memories came flooding back....
The Cat by Catherine
The cat woke up, caught a mouse, then sleep.
Pause by Catherine
He filled the lengthy silence with some stupid words.
Problems by Catherine
Wanting brought me into difficulty. Planning got me out.
Relief by Ceri
Scalpel cuts, gall bladder removed. Painkillers swallowed. Home again.
Denim Blues by Chris
Memories of denim jeans,
70s music, discos,neon lights.
Blue Planet by Suzan
Open the sky, blue planet, a new day begins
Last Human Record by Chris
Huge meteorite heading our way we never tracked, ooooppppsss
Creepy - crawley by Chris
Daddy long legs,
Stuck in web,
Spider spies lunch.
Fuel by Heather
She warmed her hands as the Eco-tips book burned.
RESULT by Rosemarie
Don't dawdle, do it today and toast the sundown.
True Ale by Chris
Sitting with pint in hand
Walking knock kneed,
From pub.
Delectable by Heather
She adored him. Devoured him. Licked her lips. Tasty.
Life’s a lottery by Steve
Man wins lottery. Buys enormous car. The planet loses.
Friendship by christine
Friendship like a fine wine
That grows with love.
Lone Rider by christine
Alone with ones thoughts,
Soaring so high.
Above clouds.
HOPE by Julie
Covid hit, we endured. Sunshine came, freedom of sorts.
Afterglow by Brian
To all, in my heart, i have an afterglow
Unrequited love by Carolyn
He divorced for love, she loved him for fun
Divorce by Chris
From dark shadows
Comes light and sunshine,
To start again.
Rimise by Miss C
Sunny days
Ice cream, sandy beach walks,
Rippling sea.
Door by Elizabeth
Door. Shut. Its opening finally brought forth fantastic fanfare.
Alfresco by Chris
Shaggy dog eyes alert
Looking at tables,
For crumbs.
Alfresco Cafe by Chris
Mothers and toddlers group
Stop to chat.
Happy smiles.
Kindness by Yvette
Kindness costs nothing, but pays back infinitely in dividends
Time by Derek
Time stood still and I stood next to it
Sleep by Denice
As the door closed, her eyes embraced the dark
Rescue by Tristan
He was alone until, at last, he wasn’t.
Pilgrims progress by Elaine
Man takes mountain pass to avoid flowers. Finds paradise.
Life on Mars? by Sheila
Helicopter flight pushes boundaries of science. World watches, amazed.
Poacher by Terry
Nice warm nest for my newly laid eggs-cuckoo
Waltzing by Terry
We waltzed around the Richard Strauss museum in Vienna
Theatre by Terry
Play's opening night flopped badly but immediately close successfully
No Holiday by Terry
Missed my flight-no survivors when plane crash landed
Too Soon by Terry
Arrived one day early at the premature ejaculation clinic
Gone by Terry
Beatles not at the Cavern-that bird has flown
Theatre World by Terry
Went to the West End - didn't become a star
Vegas by Terry
Las Vegas concert over-Elvis has left the building
Ticking got louder - then silence! The bomb was defused.
Living by Chris
People stop to chat
Shop tills ringing
No lockdown.
Gone by Chris
Winter blues faraway
Say, hello to warm,
Sunny days.
Love by Chris
With these little words
I love you dearly today.
Black Dog by Chris
Five month old
Black Spaniel, frisky,
Learning about life.
My garden is helping to process decades of lies
New Day by Rosie
As the sun came up, gratitude filled her mind
Typical! by Amanda
Lions driving buses! Wish I had my camera.
Homeless and Penniless by Amanda
Leave Now! Homeless and Penniless. Congratulations Lucky Winner! Ha!
The Dragon's Tale by Sara
The magic Dragon exhaled, and 'puff' he was gone!
Water pipe by Judith
Boy / dyke, man / drill, wife / finger over water pipe
(nb, man/ wife interchangeable nouns, not sexist)
Meeting Place by Chris
Shops and pubs open
A time to met friends.
Rebirth by Chris
Spring a time of giving
Loving, reproducation,
Growth learning.
Sods law by Natalie
I raced to the shop to buy milk: closed.
No-one to share with by Glynis
Katherine loved cooking then David died. Now never cooks.
Rings by Charlotte
‘Unworn his and hers wedding rings for sale, call…..’
Blackbird by Lin
Daily visitor and pal. All he needs are worms!
Up the pub by Nigel
Up the pub with my mates after 5 months.
Roman Holiday by Susan
Caesar came. He saw. He conquered. He went home.
Vendetta by Susan
Capulets hated Montagues. Romeo loved Juliet. It ended badly.
Stonewalling by Susan
Hadrian built a wall. Hadrian died, the wall remains.
Prince by Sue
Prince of dentopedology dies; farewell greatest Queen fan!
Spring time diaster! by Chris
Upon the bird table
A rat appears,
Birds flea.
Hasty Excit by Chris
Don't redirect my mail?
Forget that I lived here.
Maths by Susan
Maths makes it all possible, I can second that.
The Cross Country Run, by Jenny
The rustling of leaves a twig breaking sound, run!
Spring Lambs by Chris
" I saw the Lambs were skipping sweet as pie!"
My fruit bowl by Harvey
My fruit bowl, was full of strawberries, pears, bananas.
Romantic wedding By Harvey
A romantic wedding indeed, full of dance and cheer.
Bellah By Harvey
Bellah, my beautiful doggy, loves relaxing up the stairs.
New life by Heather
Heaving the door open, a new life felt possible
By her will by Heather
Washing her hands, she smiled she’d won her freedom.
To hope by Heather
Jenny prayed all night, her prayers were answered, snow.
TO BE DISCLOSED by Rosemarie
Pat sent a note. This is what she wrote...
Apocalypse by Johnny
The asteroid hit and the wave then slowly began
A slice of pie by Chris
Apple tart, oh, the taste
Pounds the to hips.
Happiness by Laura
Happiness is amazing, even when the happiness isn’t yours.
Peter by Chris
Peeping over the garden fence
Peter the friendly pigeon.
The Queen by Judith
The Queen in black, his black driving ponies outside.
Butterfly by Judith
A butterfly flaps; in Japan a tsunami is gathering
“Delivered” by Jacky
Newspaper notice-“Fraulein Hitler- congratulations-a Son!-Danke Gott!!”
White Rabbit Woes by Rosemarie
It can be stressful always chasing Time you know.
Watch this space by L
Is this the next mass extinction? Watch this space..........
'Unexpected Company’ by Astra
The dog was for company, unexpectedly found love.
Escapade by Chris
Dog escapes under fence
Lead wrapped around shrub
Toastie by Chris
Fresh home baked bread
Warm from the oven,
Nine word stories by Melissa
Oscar.What a splendid name for a Ginger cat.
Reckless as it seemed it was the only retort
"You can eat the dandelions and daisies" she declared
What do you mean you cannot fry an egg?
It was the assured way to get a result
So you bought a house on e bay John?
A cold silence descended as she took the remote.
Kindly explain to me why you bought a theremin
Although terrified she decided that she must confront him
Series 1 Cliff-hanger by Bill
She came. He saw. They fell in love....Crash!
Destiny by Julie
She saw him. He saw her. End of story.
Jump! by Jackie
BANG! she was sure, yes it's just the postman.
Technology is fun by Miss C
Technology is fun
Once you know
How to use.
The Present by Gillian
The present was a present she could not keep.
The adventure by Helen
The adventure began and ended where it started. Badly.
The boat by Helen
The boat sailed across the calm water, never returning.
Lockdown day by Ann
Sun shining. Birds singing. Another Lockdown day? No Hairdressers!
Count by Bobby
You can count this whole story on your fingers.
Where's the owner by Elaine
Where's the owner of the car in the lake?
Crazy ghost found my house. It haunts me still.
Pepuptheday by Adele
Pepuptheday email arrives
Filled with prizes
Enter for surprise
The fly and the spider by Chris
The spider says NO to the fly while a wake
Prize by Susan
I won a prize writing a nine word story.
NHS heroes by Eric
Coronavirus killed many but NHS heroes and vaccines prevailed.
Blossom by Clare
I smiled as I walked, thawed out by blossom.
My Day by Alison
I thought it was over. It was just beginning.
Slogan by Chris
Feel great each day read Pep Up The Day.
The Pigeon by Chris
"The pigeon on the wall assesses everyone at war!"
Road Works by Chris
"The road works at night are such a fright!"
Haircut by Miriam
She had hairdresser appointment. Looking great. Rained. Ruined date.
Lightness by Chris
Sun casts her light
Upon conifer trees,
Day begins.
Spice of life by Chris
A glass of fine wine chases the blues
She pulled the trigger. ' Flash, Bang, Wallop ', - The End.
"Star Wars" by Graham
A long time ago, a galaxy far away, war.
"Genesis" by Graham
Adam and Eve ate apples, got dressed and left.
Saturday by Janet
Woke up tired. Its Saturday. Turned back over.
Picture by Chris
Bitter sweet bird song
Mournful flowers,
Waiting for rain.
"Separate" by Clair
Twenty years! Now sober reality. Leaving, they find happiness.
By Darren
The Patron
Her first customer. Abbie kept and framed the fiver.
Bon Appetit
"That's beef", insisted the Chef, one shoe curiously missing.
Street Life
"I've parked legally", Dave reiterated. The traffic warden sighed.
Social Gathering
"A goblin!", Janet shouted. Everyone turned toward her, puzzled.
Lockdown by Janet
She smiled, he beamed, they hugged, lockdown was over
Dawn - Rising by Christine
A lone bird twitters
Soon there will be,
Frontline workers by Sue
Nurse on duty...
She came....
She saw......
She conquered.....
Amazon has it all by Ruth
Once upon a time there was amazon the end
Keen by Rosemarie
Fitness is rewarding. I walked to the cake shop.
Day to day by Samantha
Mum cleans, cooks and plans.
Kids get home.
Walking along with Jesus by Chris
Walking along with Jesus then I met a psychologist
All clear by Janet
She braced herself, He said the cancer had gone.
Creation by Lyn
Nearly there, one last push and two become three
The joy of jogging by Chris
Ignoring the jogging Hi! lessons learnt in the pandemic
Gold medal by Janet
The gold medal went round her neck, she beamed
Getting there by Glynis
Family and Faith helped me survive Covid. Finally freedom .
Tense by Janet
He pulled the pin, thew the grenade and waited
The fox by Karen
The fox crouched low but couldn't see it's prey
Morning Thoughts by Chris
Coffee and cream
Nice clear skies,
Pep up the day.
Ambulance ride by Frances
Her leg gave way. An ambulance ride, then... nothing...
Light blue sky, with a hint
Of Darker blue.
Death, taxes and loo roll by Lucy
You naive dreamer. Single toilet roll buyer.
Sweet inevitability.
Tigers eye by Miss C
Tigers eye shining Bright,
with flecks of amber Glow.
Cherry Blossom by Chris
"Cherry Blossom in the bosom to ease life's strife"
Dusky Shadows by Chris
Dusky dark shadows appear. Sun rise, another day begins
Pep up the day by
Get Pep up the day. Use phone, tablet, computer.
'Made up' by Colin
"He cried. She sighed. They kissed and made up."
Parenthood by Ann
"The result was positive, their lives were now changed."
The "missing" girl by Sophie
She was missing. He knew where she was. Basement!
"Will you marry me"? He asked the smiling vicar.
Puzzle by Caroline
'Every piece of a puzzle is valuable, says Charlie'
The sad Panda by Paul
The sad panda really hated the taste of bamboo
Ashamed by Jeremy
I am an alcoholic and not proud of myself.
Dry arid earth by Eva
The thunderous torrid rain quenched the dry arid earth
A Surprise meeting by Jenny
Our lips met and my bikini top sprang open ......
The Photograph by Carly
Photo in phone of me asleep. I live alone.
Taxi by Pollok
Inside her taxi, she got a call from her taxi driver saying he had arrived.
Middle Aged Anxiety by Angela
I wanted more to my life than this HELP !!!!!!
Close by Tony
Holding him close, darkness descended and her beast awakened
Tomorrow by Wendy
"Today is a nice day tomorrow might not be"
Boxset by Katharine
Boxset completed. What to watch next, they tiredly said.
Koala Bear by Paul
Very sad koala bear, with his allergy to eucalyptus
Marriage by Emma
Marriage. She lost her independence. He lost his mind.
The Green and BLue Planet by Christopher
"Silence. The World heaved under the pressure of spice"
Believe by Christine
I got knocked down, but got up to win.
Trouble by Olivia
Her advice? "Never trouble trouble, til trouble troubles you".
Repeat by Lois
"Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. This cycle ends in defeat."
Dozing off by Stuart
"Dozing off, I hear my name, I live alone!"
Onstage by Linda
As he stepped onstage, the crowd went wild.
WIND RUSH by Chris
The wind says,hello
To the sun.
Birds twitter.
Weather Map by Miss C
Rain and sleet,
Keeping active
This cool dreary morning.
Secret by Tina
She had a secret - he could read her mind!
Love by Ros
And there he was, looking at her with love
Forgotten by Sam
Tortured and alone, my soul ached as they kissed.
Mask by Robin
Their eyes met, he leaned in, mask kissed mask.
God created by Christine
God created the world. Man destroyed it. The end
Lockdown Life by Jessica
Working from home again. Bedroom to Dining Room. Coronavirus
Sadness by Jacqueline
"Sadness and tears make jam on toast very soggy!"
By Kath
The hopeless silent screams echoed heavily in her mind.
Unlocked hearts
Open your heart daily, as you open your windows.
Detached cold and alone, she ached to feel complete.
Nurtured success
With warmth and love, he found his way forward.
Tired mummy
Garden, chair and book, she recharged in the sunshine.
She didn’t recognise her daughter, but she felt love.
40th birthday
She nervously approached 40, turning to a new chapter.
Temptation by Kath
The alluring voice called, the chocolate had won again.
Naturer Watch by C
Yellow Laburnam bush
Amid dark shadows,
Blue sky appears.
Darkness by Chris
Amid dark shadows
Light appears,
To ease the burden.
REVENGE by Barbara
A mojito, a sunset, but my husband found out.
True Love's Miss by Nadia
Snow White frowned at the prince. "I was sleeping!"
Rollercoaster ride by Claudia
Their world turned upside down, on the rollercoaster ride.
Gratitude by shelly
The Universe had given many gifts; she was grateful.
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