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So, the time has come for us to announce the winner of the Mini Saga Competition.
It has taken us so long to announce the winner as we had many hundreds of entries and we have been through them all and painstakingly marked them until we reached a winner and 9 runners up.
So thank you to everyone who entered, we have really enjoyed reading all the entries.
The competition was judged by Tricia Wilson, a writer who has had mini sagas published, including in the 1997 book Mini Sagas from the Daily Telegraph Competition, edited by Brian Aldiss.
Congratulations to the winner Ashwat who wins a £25 Love to Shop card and the the runners up who get a fantastic "Well Done!"
This is what Ashwat said: "The mini saga competition was a very unique experience for me. I had written short stories earlier, but the precise word limit made it all the more attractive and challenging. I tried leveraging small, everyday moments as well as once-in-a-lifetime experiences to base my sagas upon."
Gunshot By Ashwat Jain
His heart beat fast. And loud. He made out the countdown barely in time. Two. He closed his eyes. The past four years blazed through his mind. One. He looked ahead at what he was about to face. The memories gave him courage. Gunshot. He leapt into the Olympic Race.
Ashwat is 16 years old from Pune in India and we are very pleased to announce him as the winner.
Repercussions by Christine Law
Four-year old Joey, smiled, at his Gran, she had shown him a new way to wash. Catlick, just wetting her hankerchief removing the chocolate ice cream from his face. On their return, mom said, Joey wash your face and hands.'' "No need, Gran gave me a catlick." Gran blushed.
Tomorrow Never Comes by Susie Dickinson
He watched her surreptitiously from an upstairs window as she hung out the washing. Always so meticulous, and modest; she never put her smalls out, he liked that in a woman. Thirty years he’d lived next door and never spoken to her. He sipped his tea, “maybe tomorrow” he thought.
Access All Areas by Nicole Fitton
It’s my night off when I take the call. I drive quickly.
Doors swing open and I race along the corridor. The theatre is packed.
Five minutes to change my clothes.
The lights dim and the music starts.
Everyone takes up their positions. A hush descends.
Sailing Away by Samantha Randall
"All Aboard", shouted the captain.
A desperate "Wait" he heard back.
"Well hurry up" he replied impatiently stamping his feet, "Its time to leave"
"OK" they shouted as they came close.
They both finally arrived, running as fast as they could.
"Holiday" came a squeal, then 2 voices " Hello Dad"
By The Window By W. Beljaars
"Two groups of students at a school in Frankfurt, Germany took up the challenge to write mini-sagas. As their teacher, I would like to submit a “best of…” selection as entrances to your competition. We appreciate the chance to write creatively and send our stories around the world to practice English and also just for the thrill of the competition. Please accept the attached document containing the best stories from our group of young writers (Grade 6s). If any one wins the hearts and minds of the judges, please let me know…the students would be thrilled."
By The Window By W. Beljaars
Looking out the window. Every season. Blowing, Snowing, Raining,
Glowing. Sometimes sweating, sometimes freezing. Every winter
moved around, going back to where I was found. By the
window, living a lonely life staring as the world goes by. By the
window a candle that has a purpose, lighting our home.
Bequest by Guy Hunter
To my wife, the estate. There was some good.
To my son, the business. Read up on empathy.
To my daughter, the art. Get what you can at auction, travel and marry for love.
And to the vicar, keys to the beach house. Sunday afternoons in your arms were sublime.
The Dog by Phil Holland
The dog runs on the beach, sniffs in the woods and sleeps soundly in his bed. He doesn’t understand pandemic or brexit. He has become her anchor. She must get up to feed him as she must get dressed to walk him. He makes her laugh, sometimes through the tears.
Another Christmas by Sophie Strachan
The smell of turkey fills the house. The Christmas tree stands a glow in the corner, presents underneath ready to be opened. Family gather around the table as Christmas songs float along the air. The sound of bad jokes and satisfied smiles all around. The sound of another successful Christmas.
Horripilation by Gita Rosandic
The wind is whistling outside. There is something moving. I can hear the scratching in distance. The sound makes my hair-raise and my blood is curdling. I slowly get out of my bed and open the door. There, he is standing all cute, dazzling and adorable my four legged friend.
The Face of Revenge by Barbara Compton
I found a pebble on the beach. A perfect circle, flat and black. I took it home and painted it. A yellow smiling face. The artwork of a child rather than an old man. I threw it at my neighbour’s dog. It had bitten me the previous day. I missed.
To read all the entries, you will need to visit these three pages
We couldn't fit them all on one page!!!
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